
Latest comment: 16 years ago by Merc64 in topic Get rid of "examples"

On July 28th this page was nominated for VfD. The result was unanimous keep. See Wikipedia:Votes for deletion/Gratification. Redwolf24 01:36, 4 August 2005 (UTC)Reply


The survey link mentioned in the last paragraph seems to be for good research. But, it provides very general feedback. The link seems more like an advertisement. I think we can do away with the link. Or, include it in the references than the main article itself.

--AmolNil (talk) 11:25, 17 June 2008 (UTC)Reply

I agree. That paragraph does not seem to fit in the article.

-- Tiktuk (talk) 10:23, 13 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

Get rid of "examples"


I move to get rid of these two sentences:

This focus may be due in part to the influence of utilitarianism, the consequentialist belief that morality can be measured by the overall yield of happiness (utility) that results from a particular action. One example of a significant influence of this theory is the importance of cost-benefit analysis in Western economic theory.

The first is only a common misunderstanding of utilitarianism ("greatest satisfaction to greatest number" says nothing about now vs. later). The second sounds extremely speculative and I can't imagine how one would go about citing a reference.

Some mention of utilitarianism and CBA might belong in this article, but as it stands now it adds nothing.

Merc64 (talk) 14:57, 15 March 2009 (UTC)Reply