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Archive for the Renee Olstead Category




Renee Olstead’s Tits Are Out of the Day

I don’t really know why redheadeds who were once teen actors on teen shows decide to turn to porn after a mainstream career…

I guess when you have the devil on your head and pubic hair, a little bit of Judas in your soul, you can’t help but get your tits out there for the dudes of the world to jack off to.

Not that redheads have a soul….but you get what I am saying..

It may have to do with the freakish nature of redheads with all their ginger strength, recessive genes, extra chromosomes and rage….

It may be what makes them eager to be jerked off to for behaving like little exhibitionists….celebrated by the cock after years of feeling insecure about the red top.

There was once Maitland Ward and now there is Renee Olstead…two big titty chicks from TV with fire in the hole and an eagerness in their hearts to get jerked off to..

Someone should do a documentary on the subject. I want to know how horny redheads are to see if my hypothesis of redheads being exhibitionists is true or just coincidence when there are no coincidences…

She’s wild, you should like it…

Posted in:Renee Olstead




Inspecting Renee Olstead’s Genitals of the Day

Renee Olstead is like a Maitland Ward. She’s a red headed celebrity who at one time had a lot of hype in her industry.

Seriously, Maitland Ward in all her digusting old lady porn glory was a celebrated TGIF star after being a Disney Kid.

Olstead, not entirely the same storyline was also on a Teen Show and even recorded a Jazz Album with David Foster, Kathering McPhee’s billionaire pervert producing husband behind many shitty but HUGE songs..the once stepfather to the HADID sisters, that current father of that reality show Erin Foster who has gone onto write some celebrated TV show about a Rabbi who fucks…

POINT being, industry vixen with red hair turned SPREAD PUSSY.

I dig it.

Posted in:Renee Olstead




Renee Olstead in Sheer Lingerie Working the Pole of the Day

Renee Olstead was on TV, now she sells nudes.

I don’t know whether that is a testament to how shit working as an actor is from a financial perspective, because girls, not matter how whorish or how into being exhibitionists or how sex obsessed they are, they aren’t selling nudes if they have a successful acting career.

I mean she was also a David Foster produced Jazz singer…so maybe her selling nudes is a testament to how shit Jazz pays….

It could be that she’s been sexually exploited in becoming both those things, so playing the whore on the internet is an easy role to play….

Ultimately, we’re all whores and the better whores are the ones I see naked, so Renee Olstead is great doing what we’d all rather she be doing than shitty music and shitty acting jobs….so here it is.

Posted in:Renee Olstead




Renee Olstead’s Vagina of the Day

Renee Olstead dropped out of the celebrity / hollywood / entertainment industry and decided to do self produced porn.

I don’t know if self produced porn is a more lucrative strategy, but it probably is for someone who was at Renee Olsteads level of celebrity.

Plus, if she’s really talented at the whole song and dancing monkey shit, she can always re-integrate herself with an apology, or a “I lost my way” like Demi Lovato got praise for her opiate overdose that left her half retarded and trans…

So nothing to lose…..and we all get to see the DAVID FOSTER PRODUCED JAZZ singer do her own Norah Jones, if doing your Norah Jones is showing your cunt on the internet while your pasty white body is all oiled up….and your face all jacked up with fillers.

I am not hating Renee, I actually think she’s great, because she shows us her vagina when so many other people don’t.

She is competing to be Penthouse Pet of the year, which doesn’t really count since they sold Penthouse off many years ago and the original artist and founder BOB is long dead…but the idea is there.

Posted in:Renee Olstead




Renee Olstead Close Up Vagina Spread of the Day

Renee Olstead is the child star, or teen star, or TV star on some show for a bunch of years before recording a Jazz Album with top producer David Foster…like top of the game shit…so she must have been molested because she decided to get into porno and 90 percent of those porn chicks come from fucked up backgrounds..

She’s currently fighting for her fans to vote for her to be the Penthouse Pet of the Year, which is not quite like the Oscar or Grammy or Tony awards that typical celebs strive for, especially since Penthouse was sold off from the original owners and is hardly what Penthouse was to old fucks like us.

There’s some close up pics of her pussy going viral, because I’m the kind of guy who likes staring at close up shots of pussy…some guy’s aren’t about the pussy, they go for tits, or ass…but I’m here for the pussy…it’s the golden fucking arches on the lonely highway of life after you haven’t eaten for days….

So her pussy in review is pink and pale, it’s bald, it’s spread, it’s got a piercing, it’s got some personality…it could be on a hit TV show on it’s own….

You can sign up to her OnlyFans for the video…

Posted in:Renee Olstead




Renee Olstead Posing Naked With Herself of the Day

Renee Olstead is the barely a celebrity who turned to OnlyFans early on in the OnlyFans going mainstream.

She was on a hit TV show at one point in her life and I guess that was a great way to generate enough pervert fans into Ginger Chicks with big tits, that in this case are definitely bolt on tits, but I am not sure if they were always bolt on tits, these girls they modify themselves like a teen with a honda civic modifies his car.

I thought it was weird to see the girls transition from being marketable in the mainstream, where they already had a foundation run after selling nudes, but the money is obviously better and that’s usually the motivator for most.

In this shoot, Renee Olstead is posing with her ginger twin, I am too lazy to find out who her twin is, to see if this is AI, or just accept that either they are from evil hollywood cloning labs under Disneyland….or that Gingers are all genetically the fucking same, with their thick orange hair, white skin and barely visible pink nipples, coupled with super strength and an insatiable need to breed because they want to keep their species alive.

You know, survival shit because for generations parents would kill off their ginger babies thinking they were evil.


Posted in:Renee Olstead




Renee Olstead in the Shower of the Day

Renee Olstead has some ridiculously round tits, which I’ve recently learned is a choice made by the titty buyer because they want this look.

As someone who is into being lied and manipulated to, I generally like my fake tits to be the less obvious teardrop tit, so that I can spend my days philosophizing as to weather they are real or not since I have nothing better to do with my time, you know with no responsibilities come lots of time to think about dumb shit like tits…

Anyway, Renee Olstead, a legitimate actress and Jazz singer, in a world where no one really likes Jazz, has decided to be an exclusive content producer and I think it’s a respectable choice since she does things like show us her cooter and sometimes even inserts butt plugs, but YOU”LL HAVE TO SIGN UP TO HER FEED FOR THAT….

This is my helping promote her because I think she’s lovely, even though I generally hate round fake tits, I can make exceptions, I’m multi-faceted, there are LAYERS to this perverted motherfucker….

Also – there was the time she did Playboy and if you sign up, I get paid, so think about helping me out…I can’t guarantee it’s any good, it’s Playboy and I don’t know if they still exist.

Here’s Renee!

To See More Sluts from Playboy CLICK HERE

Posted in:Renee Olstead




Renee Olstead Gets Naked of the Day

I support Renee Olstead in all that she does, because she’s like a Maitland Ward, not just because she’s a ginger, but because she was in a hit TV show, or at least a TV show, where you’d assume she had some celebrity, some decent pay, some decent exposure and a bright shining future ahead of her because she wasn’t actually type cast in her role like she was on a sitcom…..

But instead of pursuing the shitty hollywood whoring that is required to make it in that shitty fucking town….

She turned to selling nudes on her social media…she had the big tits, like the showing of the big tits, so that all of us could see the big tits and that really eliminates the whole middle man that would keep us between the tits.

The best thing about it is that she did it before turning 30, when people wanted to see her naked instead of when she had no other option and I appreciate that.

Keep Renee Olstead going!

Posted in:Renee Olstead




Renee Olstead’s Spread Ass in the Shower of the Day

You gotta wonder about Renee Olstead, or maybe about Hollywood as a whole and also as a hole…because….

She was on TV, she had a career, she was getting paid and she did have agents and shit like that who helped her get where she had to go….

But, she was willing to walk away from that, she was willing to throw it all away and turn to low level showing her tit porn.

Now, that’s probably a testament to how much Hollywood pays, they can’t all be Taylor Swifts or J.Los or Beyonces or whoever the a-list fuck out there is, getting paid scaled for a season or two of some obscure show doesn’t give that retirement money….

Or maybe she’s just a horny, exhibitionist pervert who likes to be jerked off to, and because she had the money, she could move to some obscure city with cheap houses and retire to focus on her art of spreading ass.

The nice thing with these nude girls for subscriptions is that they always level up to keep their audiences….

It’s like how Playboy went gutter, how Penthouse went to full porn, it was just a matter of time before fake tit flashing because asshole shots, and well, soon it’ll be insertion….

The human experience is a weird one to watch, but when they are spreading their asses, it’s a more interesting one to watch.

Posted in:Renee Olstead




Renee Olstead’s Still Got Her Tits Out of the Day

Her name is Renee Olstead, she’s a TV starlet who never really was, but she was enough to be on a TV show that people actually watched. It makes the fact that she chose to hop into the exclusive content game rather than go to auditions pretty fun. I guess selling nudes is not selling your body, and it’s more lucrative than shitty pay scale the actors get. Plus not being forced to suck up to some of the biggest try hard losers who were drawn to the entertainment industry, hoping to run those casting couches, because they were losers drawn the glitz and glam of being business men in Hollywood because when you make it in Hollywood you get power, cool factor and all that other stuff they don’t inherently have. Most importantly, the hot chicks who are drawn to Hollywood are as desperate as the loser execs and they’ll fuck them as hard as they can for an opportunity, which is selling your body not selling nudes and that probably smells better while allowing you to sleep at night…

Here are her tits!

Posted in:Renee Olstead